Mark Trager
The Rest-Day War
Haphazard hairs and lost lashes,
Tumbleweeds of dust roll passed as
Grime grips ghastly to the glass
As long lethargic lines and gushing gashes.
A Spider has a home
That corner ̶ it’s always prone.
Cleanly cut, a home within home,
Unwanted, unnerving, chill to the bone.
Undead sapphire houseflies flitter,
Clinging to a short life which now sputters.
They litter the crags, crevasses, and corners
̶ The house is full of dead filler.
Countless cells
Raise countless bells
Beautiful unseen bells in minds and lips that then yell,
̶ Implore to wash, brush, toss, thrust ̶ quickly quell!
A hero finally emerges in the morning
Tall, dark, and handsome, amid the mourning.
Sweeps and swipes, dust-bails and hairs fawning
Husbandly hands work with strength…and yawning
An intruder Spider is no longer
I swear each time It’s destroyed harder.
Yet, It always comes back and homes and hoarders
It’s rooms are somehow always cleaner.
Houseflies have become trashflies
Sucked from undead paradigms
Into a blackhole of hair, cells, and dirt that vie
Never to be seen again ̶ loose lies…
The floor is again wiped clean as can be
The glass no longer spotted ubiquitously
The carpet is immaculately reconceived
The invaders have been torn asunder… if you believe.